Monday, May 12, 2008

I PPE, do you PPE?

Saturday was a very good day, I got to go shooting. First we did long shots 300 yards to a little over 500 yards, I didn't take very many shots, I really need to spend some time steadying my aim. The few shots I did take were with a bolt action Ruger 30-06 and some shots with a single shot break action .308. I forget who makes the .308 but it has a lightweight polymer recoil reducing stock, it's a very nimble feeling gun. I'm not sure at this time which round "should" have more kick, but the .308 was definitively mellower in this case.

We then moved on to the .22 plinkfest at around 40 yards, so I practiced working with that tiny bit of recoil to move to the next shot. After we knocked to heck out of those targets, we moved on to something I've never tried before - Skeet. I didn't do so hot shooting this, I was giving it too much lead, so I was firing ahead of the pigeon most of the time. Towards the end of my box and a half of shells I was really getting the hang of it, but had just enough shots that my shoulder was a little but not too sore. If I take up any sport this summer it will be skeet, screw that golf crap! Finally a sport for me that has practical application. Ducks and geese will definitely be on my families table and in the freezer this fall.

Most of my work on Sunday consisted of getting the first two beds ready for planting, mainly I was busting sod, as this is the first spring I've spent at this location and the bed was left to fallow last couple of years. I'm not sure if I'll get much amendments into it before planting, frost date is coming up quick. This bed isn't going to be all that big 14' by 3' and another along the shed wall about the same size. I'll pickup some chicken wire or some type of hardware cloth from the dump to cover the shed wall for the peas and beans to crawl up.

I'm not planning on growing a whole lot, as I expect to be working a lot of overtime this summer. I want to rack up as much cash over the next year so that I can git on to my own piece of property. Then I'll be gravitating from growing a supplemental garden to growing "crops", providing the majority of our food. This garden might take a little of the edge off of the rising food prices, but for time investment I figure I'm better off buying storables rather than producing them myself.

Today (Monday) I did some more sod busting and got the support stakes and the long side boards of 1 bed in. I'll snap a pic or two tomorrow when I finish it, I'm only going to post pictures of projects that either have reached maturity, or come to a turning point of some type.

A good practice I picked from the last place I worked, wearing PPE (personal protective equipment). I worked on a contracted project for Royal Dutch Shell and they are rabid about personnel wearing appropriate protective equipment. As such a huge corpse, workplace injuries are a loss that will show up on the balance sheet with a number big enough to make the Queen Bilderberger sit up and notice.(OK maybe perhaps one of it's direct reptilian minion underlings)
When I went out shooting, I remembered my hearing protection, but forgot my eye protection. I promptly and properly kicked my own ass for that, for any other thing I worked on since Saturday afternoon that has the slightest chance of landing a mote in my eye, you can be sure I had my protective glasses on. I didn't wait till sharp pointy things were flying to say "Oh crap, safety glasses, I'll grab them right after I finish this". Being able to see, hear and count to twenty (fingers and toes or mental capacity) will go a long way to assuring my family's survival.

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