Speaking of the wind, I've never ever lived anywhere that has such a regular wind as here. I'm certain I'll be able to supply the majority of our electrical needs via a few windmills, but of course the only true test will be actually doing it.
We've been watering the garden from water collected off the roof last time we had some real rain. something still sitting on my list is to redirect the downspouts coming from the asphalt roof into a 250gal water hauling tank we have. Hauling buckets last rain worked, but I still missed out on a lot via overflows.
Dump runs have been ok, but nothing too spectacular, a few UPSs with mediocre batteries, and a few other good SLA batteries, also 1 good small deep cycle and 1 good starting battery. A couple more computers and a 24" full suspension bicycle. The SLA batteries will be used for my electric bike project, right now I'm just Jerry rigging a 24v motor & gearbox from one of those mobility scooters you see old folks and the morbidly obese riding around on. This will be a test platform to try gear ranges, then I'll build the low slung electric recumbent bike I've wanted to build for a few years now.
If the economy is tanking as fast as us doomers and the stock market bears think, I better figure out what computers I'm going to keep and sell of the rest while there is still a market for them. Canadian economists are saying that we have about a year before the recession that is on going in the States reaches the same levels up here, this must be focused on Ontario & Quebec as usual, I doubt that anyone from a forestry driven town in BC would agree with that time line.
I'm finally going to attach some pictures of my A frame greenhouse, the frame is nice and solid, the plastic is a worry, but has already weathered some good wind storms favorably.
You might be able to tell from the pictures, that I ain't no Finish Carpenter, in fact I'm pretty sure I don't have any Scandinavian in me.
Anywho, keep preppin' and learnin' or the Reptillians are gonna gitcha.

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