I picked up this link from JWR's www.survivalblog.com and also on Staying Alive Blog
It seems that a herbicide produced by DOW chemical is being used by hay farmers (Aminopyralid), not only is this crap being introduced into the food system via hay munchers eating it, the stuff stays virulent even after it's been pooped out and aged.
Hows that for a kick in the nards, you work your ass off in the garden and even try to do things right by using seemingly natural sourced fertilizers. Then BLAM, DOW chemical nukes your garden from 2 links back in the food chain.
I was tipped off a few years ago, probably in the Mother Earth News forums, that store bought cow manure likely comes from a factory farm feed lot where they load up the animals on antibiotics which then translates to fewer beneficial bacteria in your compost heap and in your garden.
This problem they are facing in the UK can come via pretty much any manure source such as those nice neighbors down the lane with horses, all because they bought some commercially farmed hay to feed their stock.
I'm sure you've read how H. Kissinger and other reptilian possessed elitists have referred to food as a weapon, but bullcrap as a weapon who'da thunk it?
I'll bet 100 pre '82 real honest to goodness Canadian nickels that DOW has some agricultural genetics lab with Aminopyralid ready garden seeds sitting on the shelf, ready to sell us for a hefty licensing fee.
I'll bet another 100 real nickels that some day I get brought up on unlicensed online gambling charges for the sentence above.
So not only is the SHTF in increasing amounts, now it is toxic waste poop being added to the mix.
To check the story out yourself go to http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2008/jun/29/food.agriculture/print
Edited to add hyperlink to http://www.thetruthaboutdow.org so that it might stay higher in search results - Thanks for the link Marysa
1 comment:
See www.thetruthaboutdow.org for deeper, more revealing information on various abuses perpetrated by Dow Chemical around the world and the truth about how they dodge any corporate responsibility.
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